Step 8: Decision Time

This is the long-awaited step to being a franchise owner: the decision! Before you fully commit to the franchise there are some final questions you should ask yourself.

Do I understand the franchise model and is it the right fit for me?

Do the company’s core values and missions fit me?

Is this the best career decision for me currently?

Do I fully grasp the commitment I am giving to owning and operating a franchise?

Do I still have the support I need to sign the franchise agreement?

These are a few basic questions you can ask yourself before you a decision. The decision should be yours alone. After discovery day you could be discouraged with the way the franchisor and their team operate, which is a good way to know it is not the right decision. There is no right or wrong way to decide if this is the best franchise for you. If you have done your research and fully understand the company then the decision should be based on whether you will feel comfortable in that company environment. Talk to friends and family members about your decision and any concerns you might have after discovery day.

Overall, deciding to own a franchise should not be taken lightly. Make sure you recognize the benefits of the company as well as some challenges you could face along the way. After sitting down and considering all aspects of your life and the company you should be able to come to one clear decision.
